Home>> Sports>>Metal Slug Franchise Officially Returns As A Turn-Based Tactical RPG

Metal Slug Franchise Officially Returns As A Turn-Based Tactical RPG


The Metal Slug franchise has been a staple in the video game industry for decades, and fans of the series fell in love with the run-and-gun, constant action offered by the games as players took control of soldiers engaged in war in a 2D sidescrolling adventure with great shoot em’ up mechanics. Over the past few days, as the Summer Games Fest grew nearer, there was much chatter about an announcement pertaining to Metal Slug, whether it be a remaster or a new addition in the series. Today, during the Summer Games Fest, a reveal trailer announcing Metal Slug Tactics was officially revealed!

Donald Morden is officially back after being in hiding for so long and with a coup d’etat, he is ready to fight against the World Government with his new army. The Peregrine Falcons must do everything in their power to fight against him and ensure that it gets no further. In Metal Slug Tactics, fans will recognize the same old style that they love with new twists and a new perspective as players must fight enemies to build up their adrenaline bar and their weapon arsenal. Players must choose from iconic characters in the universe to fight on their behalf and synchronize attacks to defeat enemies, as well as call in reinforcements if necessary, whether it be via air raids or Metal Slug!

Other major features include huge replay value with procedurally generated maps, iconic bosses from the Metal Slug series and challenging mechanics to test even the most veteran tacticians.

At the moment, Metal Slug Tactics has no official release date, however fans can wishlist it on Steam right now!

Are you interested in Metal Slug Tactics? What are your thoughts on it? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter and Facebook.



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